Review of the most significant achievements of Paramelis NRF in 2023


Since its founding at the end of 2022, Paramelis NRF has made significant progress in achieving its goals. In 2023, we reached several important milestones that have had a decisive impact on the protection and preservation of the unique nature of Paramelis and its surroundings.

Key Milestones in 2023

Formalities and Recognition

Our year began with the successful completion of all necessary formalities to be recognized as an NGO and to obtain the status of a beneficiary organization. This was a crucial step in putting our work on a solid legal foundation.

Funding of 50,000 EUR

A significant success was securing funding of 50,000 EUR from the VGP Foundation and NABU. The application for this was submitted in 2022 and approved, which gave us a strong start to 2023.

Team Assembly

Selecting and recruiting a responsible team to implement the project funded by VGP and NABU was an essential step in approaching our goals with competence and commitment.

Acquisition of a Truxor Dorotea

The Truxor Dorotea, an amphibious vehicle, was tested and acquired to perform effective actions in hard-to-reach areas. This is an example of our approach to finding innovative solutions to conservation challenges.

Website Launch

By creating the website, we have established a platform where we can share our mission, projects, and successes with a wider audience.

Biodiversity Studies

Conducting biodiversity studies on Paramelis Island and the adjacent areas was a highlight. In total, 306 species were registered, highlighting the biological diversity and value of the area.

Presentation and Networking

Presenting Paramelis NRF at the Birdingtours Conference in Cuxhaven, Germany, allowed us to expand our network and introduce our cause to an interested audience.

Volunteering and Conservation Measures

In October, we organized an event for volunteers who helped us with the mowing of 3 hectares in the Katra Valley. The work of the Truxor Dorotea also began in October with the reed cutting in the Katra Valley, making a direct contribution to the restoration and protection of the area.

Support Through Donations

Thanks to the generosity of individuals, we have received almost 62,000 EUR in donations. This demonstrates the high level of support and trust in our work and is an essential help in continuing our projects.

A big Thank You

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the foundation's activities and helped us to preserve this unique corner of nature more and more. Every progress we have made reflects the commitment and passion of a community dedicated to protecting the environment.

The year 2023 was a year full of challenges, but also significant achievements. We look forward to the future with optimism and are motivated to continue our efforts to make an even bigger difference for Paramelis and beyond.

Join us on this journey to learn more about our projects and how you can contribute. Visit our website for more information and updates.

Together, we can have a lasting impact on the conservation of our precious nature.